Why is the square platform built on the Icelandic lighthouse Tridrangar

In order to build this amazing lighthouse off the coast of Iceland, climbers and builders had to show all their professional skills. After all, even getting to the top of this grand rock proved to be very difficult, not to mention all the other stages of construction work. But the lighthouse in this dangerous place was vital, so the builders had to overcome all difficulties and create a completely amazing lighthouse called Tridrangar. ...
  • 15 pictures taken a moment before the tragedy

    What photographs evoke the most emotions and impressions in a person? We have all seen pictures with the consequences of terrible tragedies, but there is something especially sinister and frightening in the shots taken on the eve of the disaster. Smiling families or groups of researchers embarking on bold experiments. Sometimes it’s even impossible to believe that something terrible and irreversible happened a few moments later. ...
  • Constance Halaveli Maldives unveils new welcome drink

    To make the start of a trip to the beautiful Maldives islands pleasant and memorable, the Constance Halaveli Maldives Hotel invites guests to try the new welcome drink, a plant-based Butterfly Pea Flower Tea refreshing drink that was specially created for the Constance Halaveli Maldives by the hotel chef Gabriel. ...
  • 11 breathtaking photos about how the storm looks from the inside

    The pilot of this aircraft was not at all afraid to fly straight into a thundercloud, in which terrible electric discharges were generated by explosions of light. But as a result, he managed to take pictures of incredible beauty and even more so - to shoot a thunderstorm from the inside! In fact, lightning does not pose any danger to modern aircraft, so that flying into the very center of a thunderstorm, the pilot did not risk it at all. ...
  • What was the first poisonous animal on Earth

    At the word "poisonous" we primarily represent a snake: open mouths, sharp teeth, a cobra's hood, a rattle of a rattlesnake. But the amazing thing is, the first poisonous vertebrates on Earth were not snakes, which appeared no earlier than 93 million years ago. And not dinosaurs, the earliest species of which developed about 230 million years ago. ...
  • Cheeky shots of 1949 female LIFE motorcyclists

    Motorcycles are not a female affair? Our today's retro-selection will convince you otherwise. These unforgettable photos were taken by Loomis Dean in the very end of the 40s especially for the legendary LIFE magazine. Then, 70 years ago, girls in trousers or shorts riding on iron horses did not look just bold. This spectacle entered many into a stupor and even angered. ...
  • Cat, dog or hamster: our preferences are in the genes

    It turns out that our preferences related to love for one or another pet are fixed at the genetic level. At least, this was the conclusion made by Swedish scientists, along with their colleagues from the UK, who investigated the twins and their genetic predisposition to start dogs as pets. ...
  • The main mistake of the film "Jurassic Park"

    We all remember the Steven Spielberg movie Jurassic Park. When he came out in 1993, it was a real breakthrough. People finally got the opportunity to see how gigantic prehistoric dinosaurs really looked! But is it? The film industry loves to embellish reality, even if this reality is more than 66 million years old. ...
  • Amazing food prices at the airport of Simferopol

    To say that I was very surprised was to say nothing. How many copies are broken about the Crimean high cost: only the lazy one does not scold Crimea for its unjustified prices for literally everything, including cafes and restaurants. And here is the airport of Simferopol. We have long been accustomed to the fact that at airports, by default, prices are inadequate for everything, so from the Crimean one expects some completely overwhelming tryndets. ...
  • How to be a good wife: pictures with rules of conduct for women from a 19th-century magazine

    These illustrations have been on the Internet for a long time, but they are causing a special stir right now, in the wake of the popularity of the feminist movement and the increasing independence of women. Today it is difficult to imagine a situation when a young girl will research a science devoted to how to properly please a future (or already existing) spouse. ...
  • 8 inexpensive alternatives to the most popular European destinations

    Rome, Munich, the French Riviera are amazing places in Europe, famous for their history, culture, cuisine and much more. But something else is known about them: unreasonably high prices. Of course, visiting these places is the cherished dream of any traveler, but sometimes you can save a little without losing in all other respects. ...
  • There is no more free space in the city: Singapore moves underground

    The problem of urban space shortages is particularly acute in countries with rapidly growing populations. But if ordinary megacities, increasing in size, capture the adjacent parts of yesterday’s province, then Singapore, the city-state whose territory is strictly limited, simply has nowhere to expand physically. ...
  • The incredible reaction of a dying chimpanzee to the voice of an old acquaintance

    This is Mom, a 59-year-old chimpanzee who was the matriarch of the colony at the Royal Burgers' Zoo Zoo in Arnhem, the Netherlands. This place is known for pioneering research related to the behavior of primates. Back in April 2016, it became clear that the animal was approaching the end of its life. She was sick and could not eat. ...
  • The man who laughs: radiant Kim Jong-un in the pictures of official propaganda

    Kim Jong-un became the head of state after the death of his father, Kim Jong Il, in December 2011, being, incidentally, not the eldest in the family. The country greeted him with the words: "We swear with bloody tears to call Kim Jong-un our supreme commander in chief, our leader." It was originally supposed that the 30-year-old successor would share the board with his uncle Chan Song Taek, but the young ruler ordered him executed two years later. ...
  • "Abundance of rice" and "supreme deity": how the names of foreign cars are translated

    On the streets of Russian cities, in addition to domestic cars, you can find a wide variety of foreign brands. And if the names “Volga” or “Lada” are relatively simple, then not every fan of the foreign automobile industry will be able to answer the question of what Lexus or Mazda means. Meanwhile, it is quite possible that you are the owner of an “endless universe” or an even more romantic car. ...
  • Kurumba Maldives - the best resort for a secluded, family and corporate vacation

    Corporate culture today is not only about joint trainings, celebration of public holidays and trips to sports matches. To make a worthy corporate event in the 21st century, you need to try, make a little more effort and connect imagination. A new step in this matter is traveling with colleagues to resorts abroad. ...
  • 10 most dangerous and most peaceful countries in the world. So that the journey does not end badly

    Safety is a factor that makes a country attractive to tourists. History and culture, of course, play a huge role in the issue of the popularity of the state, but if a person risks his life getting out of an airplane, any other factors and features of the country fade into the background. Every year, the Institute of Economics and Peace compiles a report called the Global Peace Index, which includes 162 countries, depending on their level of security and tranquility. ...