There are forbidden: what else can not be done in Venice

Some people like to read and learn silly laws. When America’s marasmic rules are read to us, we laugh and don’t understand why, and when they explain, then, in principle, everything falls into place and looks quite logical. Here in Italy Venice is very popular among tourists, but various legends go about the intricacies of its legislative base. Let's figure out what is really prohibited in Venice and why?

It is forbidden to ride bicycles (even if you just roll it) in the historical center of Venice - a fine of 100 euros

It’s forbidden to drive a car in Venice, and this fact does not surprise anyone, but two-wheeled transport that is banned raises several more questions.

I explain. Venice is a complex city, most of the streets of which have no roads, and only canals through which bridges are thrown, and narrow and tangled streets lead to them. In addition to this, there are a lot of tourists, and they move along the land highways like red blood cells in the arteries, and in order to avoid unnecessary difficulties and collisions, they decided to ban bicycles! Moreover, it is forbidden not only to ride them, but even to roll nearby.

Of course, this decision had many opponents, so many activists shouted that suitcases also took their place and let's forbid to roll suitcases along the streets, but no one listened to them, the law came into force. Whether you like it or not, but if you plan to travel around Italy by bicycle, then Venice becomes a forbidden fruit for you.

By the way, you can’t play the ball for the same reasons, so if you are not a small child, then there are better places for football and basketball than the streets of an old Venice.

For sanitary reasons and to protect the artistic heritage it is forbidden to feed pigeons - a fine of 50 to 200 euros

Poor grandmothers leaving home with a crust of bread, but the law is extremely harsh on them, and it is far from accidental, because there is a very competent justification.

The pigeons are tired of the Venetians no less than tourists, but if the latter at least bring their money here, the former are only various diseases. In addition to inconvenience and hygiene issues, pigeons cause great damage to the facades of houses and historical monuments. The authorities annually spend astronomical amounts on cleaning birds from vital activities, and it is not very humane to shoot the beak owners, so they simply decided to starve them.

It is forbidden to throw or leave rubbish in a public or public place throughout Venice - a fine from 100 to 200 euros

My dears, should I really explain that littering is bad? Moreover, throwing the waste of your activity into the waters of the great Grand Canal or onto the heads of gondoliers from the nearest bridges. But that’s okay, you also can’t leave trash on the stairs or streets, be it a sandwich package, a bottle of water or beer, an old newspaper. All this stuff is only in the garbage can.

It is forbidden to swim in the canals - 500 euros

In hot weather, some tourists can pull a refreshment and dive into the alluring waters of one of the Venetian canals, but remember the main thing - it will be almost the most expensive bath in your life! But if you want to know my opinion, then to do so I would not even become drunk. Firstly, the purity of these channels is doubtful, and what can be picked up there, that is another question, secondly, there is a high probability of getting a pot with an oar from a gaping gondolier, and thirdly, 500 euros does not lie on the road.

It is forbidden to move through the city streets, stop in public places and places of rest, travel by public or private transport in bathing clothes or with a naked torso - 200 euros

Well, the rule arising from this is not to go in bathing suits. I understand that it will be difficult for fans of Anapa and Turkey to come here, but such a share is among the popular resort cities. You will be able to shine with the beauty of your new item from VS or a new vest from Armani at the nearest resort in Lido di Jesolo, but here it is recommended to observe simple rules of decency.

It is forbidden to sit outside designated areas on Piazza San Marco, along the porticoes and on the steps of the New Procuratios, Al Napoleonic and the Library of Sansovino, on the Piazzetta dei Leoncini, along the arcade of the Doge's Palace, on the Piazzetta San Marco and on the pier - a fine of 200 euros

Unlike pigeons, people in Venice can’t eat only on the main square of the city and near the adjacent territories. It would seem that nonsense? Free man - eat where I want! But the locals were so tired of the coming starving people who could not even afford to sit in a normal cafe, that they were forced to ban any kind of picnics in St. Mark's Square.

Thus, people here do not sit for hours, and the flowing crowds can at least somehow maneuver without creating a special crush. Unfortunately, the situation has been reduced to absurdity, and therefore, if you stop drinking some water from your own bottle, you can easily become a victim of the local police and fall under heavy penalties.

It is forbidden to spend the night in the open air, to lie on benches - a fine of 50 euros

As you can guess from the huge number of pigeons, there are almost no homeless people in Venice, and this is far from accidental, because even an overnight stay in this romantic city is beyond their means. If you walked up late and did not manage to find a hotel, and in the most tired hostel there is no bed for you, then remember that spending the night on a bench will cost you a symbolic 50 euros.

They introduced such a law for a well-grounded reason, the Venetians were so tired of the bum-looking tourists who constantly spend the night on benches and steps that they decided to deal with them radically. The fine is still more conditional and equates to a night in the cheapest hotel, but already delivers a lot of inconvenience to some lovers of freebies.

You can not buy counterfeit products - a fine of up to 10,000 euros

This law applies to all of Italy, but for the first time they learned about it in Venice. It turns out that in this proud country there is a punishment not only for the sale, but also for the purchase of counterfeit products! The pioneer, who received a fine for this case, was an Austrian girl who bought from the Venetian hands a completely original Louis Vuitton handbag for 7 euros.

As a result, an unlucky tourist from Vienna paid a fine of one thousand euros to the city treasury. Well, so that you know, the maximum punishment for such an offense reaches the mark of 10,000 euros. Poor Italians, what will happen to their psyche if they see the Turkish market? Well, to you, my dear readers, I can recommend buying everything only in official stores, and not from inviting people to look under the Arabs coat.


Well, in addition, I want to say that those who decide to go for a little in the wrong place will fork out for 400 euros, and those who decide to change clothes in a public place will get rid of the extra 250 euros, but for the graffiti on the houses, monuments, benches, sidewalks and trees will be punished with 400 euros. So lovers of graffiti have nothing to do in this city, but romantic people who plucked flowers from a flower bed will have to say goodbye to 150 euros.

But the main thing that I would like to say in this article: in which city or country you are, always remember the words of Mironov: Russo turisto obliko morale. Well, keep yourself in control.

Watch the video: 10 FORBIDDEN PLACES You're Not Allowed To Visit (May 2024).

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