Multi-layered photos capturing the energy of the 10 most stunning cities in the world

Is it possible to convey the rich culture and dynamics of the city with a single shot? The British travel company Big Domain tried to introduce us to the famous cities of the planet "in one second" using multi-layer photography. A snapshot of each of the cities is a layering of images of people and symbols that make it recognizable.

In an effort to create a sense of movement, the company used images with a long exposure. From Hong Kong to New York, every photo is designed to inspire travelers by letting them see what they can discover in these cities throughout the day. Each individual element of the image was carefully selected with the idea that the final version should reflect what a person could see if he personally stood on one of the busy streets of the city.


Mexico city


Hong Kong






Watch the video: The World's Future MEGAPROJECTS: 2019-2040's Season 2 - Complete (September 2024).

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