Before and After photos showing how Paris has changed over the past 100 years

We have all seen photos of Paris more than once. The City of Love is one of the most recognizable places on the planet due to its iconic architecture - the famous Eiffel Tower rises above the city, bridges of stunning beauty are built through the beautiful Seine, and it's hard to look away from the Gothic Notre Dame Cathedral. But will you recognize Paris in 1900? These pictures prove that he was even more beautiful then than today.

Eiffel Tower and the Trocadero Gardens

Eiffel Tower and World Expo Globe

View of the Seine from the Alma Bridge

House of Disabled

Palace of Nations

View of the Seine from the Bridge of Disabilities

View of the Seine from the Jena Bridge

Watch the video: 7 Before & After Pics Showing How Paris Has Changed In 100+ Years (September 2024).

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