9 evidence that airport employees know more about us than we think

Often, when we arrive at the airport and go through the check-in procedure for our flight, it seems to us that this place is like a separate state, where its own separate laws and rules reign, and only the “local residents” know how everything is really arranged here - airport staff. However, now you will learn about some secrets.

Airport employees see us naked

Surely, the security screening procedure, when a security guard is feeling you from head to toe, seems extremely awkward and unpleasant. But what will it be for you to find out that scanners are installed at some airports, at the moment of passing through which your figure is displayed completely naked on the screen of examiners. It is even called - Naked Scanner, or "naked scanner" in Russian.

There are special people at airports analyzing our behavior.

Such employees are indeed available at some airports, and they are called profilers. Their task is to analyze our behavior, facial expressions, gestures and attitudes in order to identify suspicious individuals.

Airport employees know our aggressiveness

In large airports, special cameras are sometimes installed to quickly detect alcohol or drug intoxication among passengers, and even more so - some of them are able to show the level of aggressiveness of a person at a particular point in time.

Airport employees do not know what is happening with your luggage and why it flew to another country

The fact is that baggage sorting at the airport is automatic. Special scanners read the barcode from labels and tags and distribute baggage in the indicated directions. That is why it is so important to remove the stickers from the previous flight, because the machine can read information from the old barcode, then your things will leave in a direction different from yours.

Passenger items checked by dogs

Until your luggage gets on the plane, he will have to go through as many as 5 security levels, where they will not only scan the contents, but will also let him check a special dog who is trained to smell to determine the presence of drugs.

At airports, on-board food is prepared for passengers around the clock, 24/7

Most airports have huge kitchens where on-board food is prepared, usually for several airlines at once. They work around the clock, and the dishes are diverse in variety.

Aircraft are closely monitored by dispatchers not only in flight

For each dispatcher there are 5 monitors with different, constantly changing information. They monitor not only the flight process, but also the movement of the aircraft on the ground, lane lighting, climatic conditions, information about a particular airliner and much more.

Airport staff will immediately send you home if something is wrong with your visa to another country

If you flew abroad and found at the airport that your visa, for example, has expired, then you will be sent back by the same airline that you brought in, and the cost of your ticket will be deducted from the salary of the employee who initially missed you on the flight.

Airport employees know what you were holding

It happens that a passenger at the airport is asked to wipe his hands on a piece of cloth, which is subsequently placed in the analyzer. So, this device is called an etamizer, and it determines whether your hands were in contact with prohibited or dangerous substances.

Watch the video: 7 Creepy Conspiracy Theories About The Denver Airport (May 2024).

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