Vostochny Cosmodrome will become the center of space tourism in Russia

Many space centers in various countries around the world act as attractive objects for tourists. Launch sites are most interesting at the time of the launch of the spacecraft, and to further attract visitors to the cosmodromes, exhibition complexes and scientific and educational expositions are often located.

Tourists at the Baikonur Cosmodrome

Similar programs operate in the United States, where the John F. Kennedy Space Center is located in Florida, at the Kourou Space Center in French Guiana, and at the Chinese Jiuquan Space Center. In almost all countries where large launching sites exist, tourists have the opportunity to touch the fascinating world of astronautics.

For example, fascinating tours have been held at the Baikonur Cosmodrome for many years, during which you can witness the preparation of the launch vehicle for launch and launch of the spacecraft, visit the museum, launch sites and see real astronauts.

Cosmodrome East

At the Russian Vostochny Cosmodrome, which is located in the Amur Region, they also plan to develop a tourist destination, and the complex is already visited by tourists. The first launch from this cosmodrome took place in April 2016, and the administrative center of the cosmodrome is located in neighboring Uglegorsk. It is here that the cosmonautics museum is located, which is already taking its first visitors. Currently, the spaceport infrastructure is at the final stage of construction. For the full development of the tourist destination at Vostochny Cosmodrome, they plan to develop new excursion programs, which, without a doubt, will be popular among travelers in the Far East.

Cosmodrome East

Watch the video: Vostochny Cosmodrome (September 2024).

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