"Valley of Poverty": terrible footage of daily life in Kentucky in the early 1960s

Once, in 1964, the huge and seemingly quite prosperous America was stirred up by the material published in one of the most famous publications, LIFE. Most of the photographs that came into the article and taken by photographer John Dominis showed the terrifying existence of the inhabitants of the Appalachian Valley, a region that, for some reason, was forgotten and found itself in terrible trouble.

It was with this stunning material that President Lyndon Johnson's famous struggle against poverty in the States began. This material showed for the first time to American society how else people can live in America and why the state immediately needs to take a new course to eradicate poverty.

Here, in the Appalachian Valley, in eastern Kentucky, the Americans lived in real slums without sewage and heating, in the asphyxiating "embrace" of nature mutilated by thoughtless human activity. Not knowing that the shooting was carried out at the dawn of the 60s, you would think that the photo depicts the period of the Great Depression.

Watch the video: Real Life Trick Shots 2. Dude Perfect (May 2024).

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