Morning Gloria - a mysterious atmospheric phenomenon off the coast of Australia

Morning gloria with a high degree of probability can be seen only in one single place on Earth - off the northern coast of Australia, over the Gulf of Carpentaria. Despite numerous studies, scientists still have not reached a consensus on the causes of this meteorological phenomenon.

The Gulf of Carpentaria is located in the Arafura Sea and protrudes quite deep into the Australian mainland. It is here that unusual parallel lines of clouds arise that resemble the traces of flying aircraft. Most often, morning gloria can be observed in the southern part of the bay from September to November. As the name implies, these clouds form in the morning, and the length of the unusual bands can reach 1000 km.

Morning gloria is a type of gross clouds that form at the boundary of atmospheric fronts, at an altitude of 100 to 2000 meters. This phenomenon is often accompanied by changes in atmospheric pressure, squally wind and thunderstorms. The main reason for the formation of morning gloria, researchers believe the movement of air masses caused by the sea breeze. At the front edge of the cloud, the air moves from bottom to top, as if twisting the cloud around a central axis.

The study of these unusual clouds was done by many Australian and foreign researchers. But scientists still have not been able to fully explain the mechanism of formation of morning gloria and, most importantly, why it arises precisely over the Gulf of Carpentaria.

Very rarely, morning gloria can be seen in other regions of the planet. The case of observing this natural phenomenon off the coast of Brazil and in the North Sea is reliably known. But the Gulf of Carpentaria is the very place where morning gloria can be seen almost certainly. Therefore, starting in September, tourists rush to the coast of the bay to enjoy this fantastic sight.

Watch the video: Australian Clouds (September 2024).

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