16 most unusual animals of our planet, which only nature could invent

Even the richest imagination does not come up with such a variety of creatures with which nature inhabited our planet. Her talent is truly amazing, because she has not repeated any of her creations twice. Moreover, many representatives of the fauna have such a fantastic appearance that they are more similar to the inhabitants of distant Mars than to earthly creatures. It is to such animals that our selection is dedicated today. Surely some of them will be for you a real and amazing discovery.

Black and gold sea slug. This gastropod mollusk was the first creature discovered by scientists that can carry out photosynthesis, like plants.

The pancake hedgehog is a resident of the Atlantic Ocean, preferring great depths over 500 meters.

Flamingos are underwater gastropods, which can be found in the shallow waters of the Caribbean.

Sea anemone is a marine predatory animal that is devoid of the mineral skeleton, usually living on solid sea soil.

Three-clawed turtles Pelochelys cantorii are considered one of the largest freshwater turtles, their mass can reach 50 kilograms.

The black water frog Breviceps fuscus is a resident of arid and semi-arid regions of eastern and southern parts of Africa.

Strawberry pineapple pacman frog (Strawberry pineapple pacman frog). They called them Pacman for extraordinary gluttony, and they will eat anything.

The helmet-bearing rhinoceros bird is an amazing feathered creature that lives on the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Kalimantan. As you can guess from her appearance, she got her name for the huge beak with growths.

Long-eared jerboa is a marvelous rodent with huge ears that prefers a nocturnal lifestyle, and its home is Mongolia and China.

The striped tenrek is a bright bristled hedgehog living in Madagascar.

Insects Fulgoroidea. You might think that they are enviable owners of a long and magnificent tail, but in fact this is a tricky trick that saves them from predators. They have no tail, and long threads are a specially distinguished secret, which subsequently freezes. If the predator tries to grab the insect by the tail, then the threads simply break off, and the small creature has time to slip away.

Trigonognathus kabeyai is a toothy resident of the northwestern and central Pacific Ocean, which can be found at depths of up to 360 meters.

The Malaysian Winged Wing is a small charming mammal, which nature gave to its mighty legs with rounded claws to better stay on the trees, and joined its legs and tail with a wide membrane to make planning flights from tree to tree.

A mole-witch caterpillar living in orchards on both American continents.

Pinagor fish, or sparrow fish. In Scandinavia they are also called "biting stones."

The Ganges Gavial is a unique representative among crocodiles. Its key feature is a long narrow muzzle preserved from ancestors.

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