7 wonders of the world - the most breathtaking buildings of the Ancient world!

Today, “wonders of the world” are called many modern and ancient buildings, circuses and unusual phenomena of our planet, but we want to remind you of the classical seven, after which these words became a household name. These 7 creations are so complex, exclusive and amazing that they will remain in the memory of mankind forever.

Pyramids of Egypt

The Cheops Pyramid is the oldest of the wonders of the world, created around 2540 BC. In addition, this is the only building that has been compared to this day. It reaches about 150 m in height, and the length of each side at the base is more than 220 m. To erect this grandiose building, 2.3 million stone blocks weighing 2.5 tons each were required.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Such a terrific gift was made by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II to his wife Amitis around 605 BC. They were a stepped pyramid, covered with soil and planted with a variety of plants so that it seemed as if they were hanging in the air.

Zeus statue in Olympia

The majestic statue of Zeus, created in the 5th century BC. and burned in a fire in 476, reached 15 m in height, located in the main temple of the Greek city of Olympia. The magnificent creation was trimmed with ivory and inlaid with gold.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

The breathtaking temple dedicated to the goddess Artemis was erected in 550 BC. In 356 BC Herostratus destroyed this magnificent building of white stone. After that, the building was restored, but only for a short time.

Mausoleum in Halicarnassus

This incredibly impressive tomb was built for a ruler named Mausoleum (hence the word "mausoleum"). The building was created in the 4th century BC. in the city of Halicarnassus (modern Turkey). The tomb, 46 m high and 60 m long, lined with white marble, was destroyed during an earthquake in the 18th century.

The Colossus of Rhodes

This striking statue of the god Helios on the island of Rhodes, reaching 60 m in height, was created from clay, bronze and a metal frame. 65 years after its installation, due to the earthquake, the statue broke in the knees and collapsed.

Alexandrian lighthouse

This lighthouse was built in the 3rd century BC. on the island of Faros. Reaching 135 m in height, the lighthouse was an excellent landmark for ships, and its light spread 60 km around. In 796, it was destroyed during an earthquake.

Watch the video: Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (July 2024).

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