Largest population chipping: Sweden is entering a comfortable future

In Sweden, an unusual procedure is gaining popularity, which will seem incredible to most of the inhabitants of our planet. More than 4,000 Swedes have already inserted a microchip under their skin, and the company that implements the chipping procedure can no longer cope with the flow of customers. Why did the Scandinavians decide on something that had recently caused surprise and public rejection?

It turns out that it is all about comfort and convenience, which the Swedes cannot deny themselves. The microchip that is implanted in the hand allows you to get home, to the office, fitness club or any other building where the access system operates. The implanted chip may also contain insurance data, electronic train ticket numbers, or for a social event, as well as any other digital information, at the request of the owner. In the near future, it is planned to give these Swedish microchips, manufactured by Biohax International, the properties of bank cards. The size of the microchip is about 1 centimeter, and the device itself is implanted under the skin of the hand with a special syringe.

In addition to Sweden, a similar technology was also implemented in Europe by Belgian startup Epicenter. There are examples of chiping people in the New World. Back in 2004, a project was implemented in Mexico to introduce an RFID microchip, which was carried by some employees of the Mexican Ministry of Justice who have access to particularly important information.

Of course, such a universal data keeper, which is always with you, is very convenient, but is it safe? A number of information security experts indicate that such microchips are not sufficiently protected from information leakage, especially if their work is coordinated with the GPS system. Attackers can track all the movements of a person, as well as his actions related to the use of bank cards. So far, only the fact that there are too few of them rescues chip carriers, therefore, it is simply unprofitable for fraudsters in the field of information technology to deal with them: they mainly specialize in hacking smartphones. But, according to experts, as soon as the application of chip technology reaches a new level, developers will have to solve serious problems associated with secure data storage.

Watch the video: Microchipped Employees in Wisconsin. The Daily Show (September 2024).

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