Ta Kali - the village of Maltese craftsmen

Ta-Kali is a tiny Maltese village in the center of the island that no one would know about if not for the famous craft workshops that were located in the hangars of the old military airfield. Today, all tourists come here to buy Maltese handicrafts - from small souvenirs to expensive jewelry and the famous Maltese glass!

During the war there was an English military base and the Royal Air Force airfield. But after Malta became independent and the British removed their base, they decided to use this place for peaceful purposes, and here a huge market formed, which gathered the whole island. Soon, the Maltese artisans decided that it was more convenient for them to work right here, and not to carry their goods back and forth. So in the old military hangars workshops began to be equipped, and the village of Ta-Kali gradually turned into a village of artisans. Locals don’t go here anymore, but tourists are flocking here in droves, because here are the best prices and 100% handmade!

Here in such former military hangars, small shops were arranged in which local craftsmen sell their goods. Here you can buy any Maltese filigree jewelry, Maltese lace and ceramics, all kinds of handmade souvenirs, stone and wood products, etc. etc. - all here!

Moreover, the workshops are also here. So, if you didn’t like something, you can correct it on the spot or make it to order. And since the craftsmen themselves sell the goods, it’s possible to bargain, although this is not particularly accepted in Malta.

Here in Ta-Kali is located the largest factory of Maltese glass products - Mdina Glass. Products of this brand can be bought in stores across the country (even the most ridiculous is how grandiose it sounds), but here the prices are better and there is more choice.

In addition, you can observe with your own eyes the process of glass production. Workshops are open to visitors, and it is absolutely free. True, you will not stay here long, for it is very hot.

What is there only! Anything and only made of glass. But, true, the prices for all this beauty are quite high. Even with seasonal discounts, it takes more than one hundred euros to buy something good. So I just walked around the store, like a museum or an exhibition of glass beauty.

Even pictures are made of glass. It looks interesting, of course, but I still think that classic paintings are better.

But I liked these lights. In the dark, they just look “Wow!”, But their prices are great and start at 200 Euros ...

I didn’t have enough for a large product, but I bought small souvenirs and Christmas tree decorations for the new year for 20 euros, so I have a memory and a piece of glass Malta!

Entrance to ceramic workshops is also free.

You can calmly roam and follow the work of modern masters.

Near the village, closer to the city of Most, is located one of the most famous Maltese wineries - Meridian. By the way, I was surprised, but the Maltese wine turned out to be of very high quality at a rather low cost. A bottle of table wine in a supermarket costs 5-10 euros, and it is no worse than French. Well, it’s understandable, because all the wine here is made using French technology and is excellent.

Vineyards are located around the plant, but now it’s the end of November, grapes have long been harvested and roam in the cellars.

The plant itself is quite modest. I wanted to go on an excursion and a tasting, but this pleasure costs as much as 10 euros here. Hmm, for the money I’d better buy a couple of bottles of wine and taste them at home in the evening, especially since the modern winery looks like, I already know and it’s unlikely to see anything new. Until recently, I was in Greece, and there a factory tour and tasting were absolutely free! But Greece is not here ... here you have to pay for everything.

In addition to all of the above, in Ta-Kali, on the site of the former take-off field, a huge national park was built, with a bunch of greenery, playgrounds for children and sports, etc., as well as the central (and maybe the only) Maltese stadium where all major sporting events and musical performances of visiting world stars are held.

And only the small Maltese aviation museum, in which men and children can pass the time, while their wives and mothers go shopping, recalls the old airfield and military base.

Getting to the village of Ta-Kali craftsmen is quite simple. It is located a couple of kilometers from the famous Mdina and Rabat, and the 205 bus takes you here in 5 minutes. And you can walk on foot, here is close, however, there is no normal pedestrian road and you have to walk along the sidelines. Well, if you take a sightseeing tour in Malta, then you will definitely be brought here for shopping. I got all my Maltese souvenirs here. Then he compared prices with city prices and made sure he did the right thing!

Watch the video: My Choice - Ta' Qali: Waltzes et al, Ziehrer & Rieu (October 2024).

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