A food coating has been developed that significantly extends the shelf life.

According to studies conducted in different countries of the world, about 30% of all food produced by mankind goes to landfill. In some countries, such as the United States, this figure reaches 40%. This is mainly due to the fact that the products during storage quickly deteriorate under the influence of temperature, microbiological and other environmental factors. This unfortunate fact prompted engineers to create an edible film, which increases the shelf life of products by 2 times.

An American startup from California called Apeel Sciences has raised more than $ 100 million to implement its project. Their innovative development - Edipeel film is the thinnest coating that is applied to the surface of fruits. A new type of film is made exclusively from plant materials, and its composition contains components obtained from fruits, vegetables and plant mass. The film prevents the loss of natural moisture and reduces the contact of fruits and vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms. This ultimately prevents the spoilage of products, thereby increasing their shelf life and reducing their chances of ending up in a bin.

The new edible film has already passed all the necessary checks, it is recognized as safe for health and has received permission for use in the United States. Edipeel can already be seen in several grocery chains in the country. The developers hope that the widespread use of this innovative coating will ultimately reduce the costs of producers and suppliers of fruit and vegetable products, as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as methane and carbon dioxide, which are formed during the decomposition of food products.

Watch the video: Mild technologies to improve shelf life and quality of organic berries Ecoberries (September 2024).

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