13 curious shots from the past telling amazing stories

If you be careful, you can see that the past is constantly turning to us. It teaches us and speaks to us through architecture, literary works, cultural heritage and, of course, images. Photography in this case is an invaluable acquisition of humanity, because it reflects the moment as impartially and honestly as possible. Familiarizing yourself with old photographs can sometimes replace many retold stories. Although there are no questions here. Our next retro-selection will not answer all the questions and will surely leave some understatement, but it will certainly tell you about the most interesting moments of history.

An Englishwoman carries a child in a stroller capable of withstanding a gas attack. The end of the 1930s.

Children receive treatment through interaction with animals. Mid 1950s

Checking the first body armor. Early 1920s

A man rides on a cart drawn by a hippopotamus. The first half of the 1920s.

In the 1930s, in the West, there were special cages for children living in apartment buildings. With their help, the child could spend enough time on the street.

An English girl plays among the ruins of her own house in London. The Second World War.

That was tanning in the late 1940s.

In the 20s of the last century, the length of women's swimwear was strictly controlled. For the insufficient length of “shamelessness” received an impressive fine.

Girl with prosthetic legs, late 19th century.

Family Christmas festive meal during the Great Depression.

That's what Princeton students looked like after playing snowballs. The end of the 19th century.

Watch the video: 10 Mysterious Kids Who Remember Their Past Lives (May 2024).

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