Not the future that we dreamed about: the artist showed what awaits our planet

Space programs of the 60-80s gave rise to a whole layer of works about the utopian future in pop culture. Films and books told us about how we will live very soon: to plow the expanses of the Universe on our ships, fly to distant planets and communicate with aliens. A future from the world of science fiction awaited people, it seemed that everything was open before us and with this future no more than a couple of decades shared us. However, space was not so simple, and its secrets have yet to be clarified for several centuries. But utopia was replaced by anti-utopia: in today's pop culture there is too much apocalypse. The future appears more as shots from Mad Max, where our planet is exhausted, and space flights have long been forgotten.

And just such a world shows Scott Listfield in his paintings. He recalls with nostalgia the time when it seemed that in the cosmos and the universe there would soon be no hidden corners. However, now all dreams of the future are gathering dust on a shelf, and Listfield does not plow open spaces. The reality is a little sad and not much different from what it was 30 years ago: a small apartment, microwave dinners and bus trips to work. In addition, the artist watched Stanley Kubrick's Space Odyssey, shot in 1968, and the image of an astronaut appeared in his paintings.

And here is the astronaut in everything: he looks at the bright billboards that have become part and background of our life, he stands on the seashore or sees a destroyed building, or maybe an old bomb shelter covered with grass. The astronaut's face is hidden, it is not visible who is under the suit, because he personifies the void. But you can definitely say that this hero feels lonely in today's world, he is like an alien, although he still hopes for a bright future.

Watch the video: TIMELAPSE OF THE FUTURE: A Journey to the End of Time 4K (July 2024).

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