13 cases when the true size of things turned out to be much larger than we thought

We live in an unusually amazing world and do not know all its secrets, but almost every day we discover something new. Today we will show some things surely known to all, in the sizes of which many could be mistaken. Their true parameters are best understood by comparison. For example, we know that sequoias are the tallest trees on the planet, but can you say with confidence that you really imagine their size if you have never seen them live? Take a look at this photo and you may agree that in our view these giants were always somewhat lower. About this and 13 more cases when the real size of things turned out to be much larger than we thought in our material.

Sequoia compared to humans.

Cassowaries, although large birds, but the size of their paws is impressive.

The size of the jacket worn by the famous baseball player Shaquille O'Neill.

A newborn crocodile cub next to the tooth of its adult counterpart.

This is what we will see when comparing Pluto with Australia.

Such will be the growth of the Amur tiger if it stands on its hind legs.

Ostrich claw and bear claw. And bearish on the right.

The turbine size of a Boeing 787 compared to a man.

Megalodon jaws compared to the modern white shark.

Whose trace is more: wolf or human?

King cobra cub size compared to adult reptile.

ELT astronomical observatory project in comparison with Big Ben.

The actual height of the anthill.

Watch the video: How Far Can We Go? Limits of Humanity. (May 2024).

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