Strange crematorium of Novosibirsk: dinosaurs, playgrounds and a zoo

There is one very strange place in Novosibirsk - the city crematorium. He earned in 2003, and over these sixteen years has turned not only into a place where they say goodbye to relatives, but also into a small amusement park. There is a playground for children, a museum and even your own zoo! From time to time, various concerts are held at the institution, where the residents themselves come. It sounds scary, but this strange place is popular with locals.

And the whole thing lies in the owner of the crematorium Sergey Yakushin, his attitude to life and, of course, death. He was once diagnosed with cancer, but the disease receded over time. So the man put up with death, considering it a natural end to life. After all, if there had not been death, people would have disappeared fear of everything: there would be no wars, tragedies, and generally no reason to die. And this is impossible. So death is the most anticipated ending, and how calmly a person meets it speaks of how wise he has become.

Apparently, to this attitude of Yakushin was added and interest in death among other nationalities. So the Museum of funeral culture appeared, where various souvenirs related to the theme of death are presented, as well as the culture of the burial of different peoples. The owner himself often conducts excursions for guests in it.

And here is a playground where children can spend time.

The territory of the Novosibirsk crematorium itself is quite large, almost six hectares is occupied by the park.

There are various statues, and very ambiguous: from the tyrannosaurus to the Buddha statue.

Benches, blooming flower beds, beautiful lanterns, alleys - it looks like an ordinary park in the city!

Various events are often held here, at which local music groups as well as schoolchildren perform. For example, June 22 was a competition of readers.

And then there is a mini-zoo in which even a camel is kept!

The Novosibirsk crematorium, in addition to traditional farewell ceremonies, holds a virtual funeral. By the way, the first such farewell in Russia took place here: in 2010, during a trip along the Trans-Siberian Railway, the famous Polish traveler Stanislav Kolodeichik died. Thanks to the Novosibirsk crematorium, relatives from Europe were able to say goodbye to him.

There are other non-standard services: for example, you can send the ashes to space or to the moon.

And there is an unprecedented action here: order a funeral now and get a 15% discount.

Crematorium owner

At the same time, Yakushin is a very famous person in Novosibirsk, he is engaged in charity work. Concerts dedicated to the fight against drug addiction are held at the crematorium at the Memory Park, and the novosiberian helped open one of the hospices of the city. Apparently, the whole secret lies in the absence of fear of death and humility before the mortality of life, which help Yakushin come up with new projects and actions.

Watch the video: Death Control RT Documentary (October 2024).

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