For what reasons the Slavs could divorce

With a divorce in Russia it was hard. If married, so married. Serious business. Logging in is easy - logging out is difficult. But probably.

"Before the crown." Firs Zhuravlev

The church was categorically against divorce. Wedding is God's blessing on marriage. If one of the spouses wanted to divorce, it means that he was following the wrong, sinful path, against God's will. The only respected reason for the divorce was to go to the monastery. If one of the spouses took a tonsure, then they bred without any problems. After some time, wealthy citizens began to take this opportunity and actively handed over their wives to monasteries.

Nevertheless, there were several reasons why they could give a divorce.

First of all, if one of the spouses threatened to kill. But it still had to be proved. Now, if he really did something like that, then another thing. Of course, divorced posthumously.

The second important reason is adultery. Here, for the trial, evidence is important - either the husband who caught the wife in the arms of a lover, or neighbors. If the husband left his wife for his mistress, then he had to pay her compensation "for shame." The amount of payment depended on the social status of the man. If he is from high society, then he paid 300 hryvnias, if from simple ones, then two hryvnias.

"Family section." V. Maksimov

The third important reason is treason to the prince. Participation in a state conspiracy or coup is a good reason.

Could get divorced if one of the spouses fell ill with leprosy. But only if the patient agrees. He was supposed to let go of a healthy family member. If the husband did not fulfill his marital duty for a long time and the wife could prove it, she had the right to divorce. And compensation. A wife could divorce if the husband deceived her when marrying. For example, he introduced himself as a worthy man when in fact he was a serf. A prolonged absence of her husband for an unknown reason also led to a divorce. It was understood that perhaps he had long been dead. But if everyone knows where he is, no one will divorce.

If a married woman went to live with her lover, then she was bred through her fault. In this case, the cavalier paid a fine to the metropolitan, and she herself was assigned to the clergy house. Divorce occurred only after payment of the fine. He was cheaper for unmarried people - only six hryvnias; those who were married paid twice as much.

Among the princes, the most popular reasons were leaving for a monastery and infertility. Most often, husbands were the initiators.

"Solomonia Saburova. Humility." Polina Mineeva

The most grandiose divorce, reflected in the annals, took place at the initiative of Prince Vladimir. When he was baptized, he divorced all his pagan wives.

Prince Yaroslav Svyatopolchich was married to the granddaughter of Vladimir Monomakh. When the men decided to fight among themselves, Yaroslav sent his wife to the monastery.

The scandalous was the divorce of Moscow Prince Vasily III with his first wife. They have been married for twenty years. Only she could not give birth to anyone. Vasily requested a divorce. He was supported by the boyar’s thought, and the church, in the person of Metropolitan Varlaam and the Monk Maximus of Greece, opposed. Then for the first time in Russian history, the prince deprived Metropolitan of the rank, and Maxim the Greek exiled.

The next metropolitan did everything right - divorced his first wife and married the second. The second name was Elena Glinskaya - the mother of the future Ivan the Terrible. Vasily’s son was even easier on divorces. Easily sent ex-wives to the monastery. To save the soul.

Watch the video: What's Are The Reasons For The High Divorce Level in Russia & Ukraine? Part#1 (October 2024).

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