10 little-known countries to which Russians do not need a visa

There are so many amazing countries in the world, but every year the majority of tourists in our country choose the most commonplace options - usually Turkey, Egypt or Thailand. But this time we suggest that you deviate from the beaten track and get acquainted with no less wonderful, albeit little-known, countries where Russian travelers can get completely freely, without any visas.

The mysterious country of Southeast Asia - Laos

Laos is a country with a hot subequatorial climate. Although it is considered poor, it is quite safe for tourists coming here. You can stay here without a visa for 15 days, and the cost of one dinner on average will be about $ 10. The best time to visit Laos is between November and February.

Namibia - African Exotics

The dry hot climate of Namibia is typical of semi-deserts, so there are always plenty of sunny days, and the rich variety of flora and fauna, all the necessary conditions for outdoor activities and a large selection of hotels and campsites make this place a very valuable find for tourists. Dinner here will cost you about $ 15, but there may be difficulties with the flight, since there are no direct flights from Russia or the CIS to Namibia. As possible flight options, you can consider Frankfurt or South Africa.

Antigua and Barbuda - the state of three islands

You can come to Antigua and Barbuda at any time of the year, the climate here is dry and warm year round. The country is characterized by a large number of comfortable bays surrounded by beautiful coral reefs, white sand, mountain peaks and picturesque vegetation. Guests will enjoy the well-developed infrastructure. So, on one of the islands of the state - Antigua - there are luxurious nightclubs, entertainment complexes, casinos and hotels. The price for dinner here will be approximately $ 26.

Fairytale Barbados

The island boasts a mild tropical climate throughout the year, and a visa for up to 28 days is done right at the border and completely free of charge. The extraordinary beauty of nature and the magnificent beaches of Barbados will not leave anyone indifferent. Once a colony of the United Kingdom, this place is still called Little England for loyalty to British traditions. Dinner at one of the local establishments will cost about $ 45.

Bahrain Paradise

Bahrain is considered the smallest Arab state. It has a mild, arid winter and very hot and humid summers, when the air temperature can reach 45 degrees. This place is simply amazing, it is not for nothing that biblical traditions say that it was here that the Garden of Eden was located. The beauties of this country combine a unique flora and fauna, Arabian exoticism, azure shores and sand dunes. Here you can get acquainted with the ancient culture and art, with centuries-old traditions, taste the local cuisine and experience the famous Arabian hospitality. The average check for dinner in Bahrain will be about $ 20, a visa is issued at the border and will cost $ 19.

The primeval beauty of Cape Verde

Great service combined with the primeval nature and unique beauties - all this is about Cape Verde. The archipelago includes 5 small and 10 large islands, the climate here is dry, tropical with warm winters and hot summers. A visa for 30 days will be issued to you right at the border, however, it will take $ 32 to pay for it. Hotel complexes are built on a large scale, many of them operate on an all-inclusive basis. The cost of dinner is around $ 10.

Colorful and amazing Guatemala

Guatemala is indeed one of the most colorful countries in Central America. There are tropical rainforests and ancient Mayan cities, ancient monuments and indescribable natural beauties, you can see real Indians and even take part in mystical shamanistic rituals and pagan holidays. Prices are low: dinner, for example, will cost an average of $ 19.

Fairy Kenya

Kenya is located right on the equator line, so it's always hot here, but what a natural splendor and variety around! Local national parks are ready to demonstrate to their visitors the notorious "Big African Five": a lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo and rhino. You can enjoy the exotic fauna of the Indian Ocean by going to the coral reefs of the Watamu marine reserve, where the most sophisticated diving enthusiasts adore. In other words, the slogan "magical Kenya" suits this country as well as possible, because without any exaggeration it can be said that magically is the truth everywhere. The cost of a visa is $ 50, it is issued upon arrival at the border. And for dinner, on average, you have to pay about $ 17.

Seductive Tanzania

Perhaps, about the fact that in Tanzania there are unforgettable safaris, you can no longer talk - this is a well-known fact. There are not so many Russians among safari participants since entertainment is not cheap, but there are a lot of tourists choosing combined tours. Indeed, despite all the unlimited advantages of Tanzania's national parks, there is still a lot of interesting things. A visa to this country takes place at the border and costs $ 80, the average check for dinner will cost somewhere in 27 dollars.

Grenada - island of silence and solitude

Hot subequatorial tropical climate, coral reefs, beautiful bays and secluded beaches, dense forests, mountain ranges, beautiful lakes and waterfalls - all this simply can not but attract travelers tired of noise and city bustle. Visa-free stay is possible for up to 90 days, and the cost of dinner is approximately $ 35.

Watch the video: Second passports with visa-free travel to Russia (September 2024).

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