13 shots that the laws of physics do not always work

If you think that science is a stable and irrefutable thing, and the laws of physics are inexorable, then you are greatly mistaken. We found 13 pictures, more like photoshop or special effects from the movie, which prove that everything in this world can be. Even what at first glance seems fantastic! And the laws of physics are very surmountable, if, of course, you get a good understanding of this very physics.

It seems the roof has left a bit

Would you venture to go there?

Conqueror of the waves

Zen Stones

He just wanted to climb back

Lucky shot

Mountain goats spat on your gravity

Ah, just a car on the wall ... Stop, what?

The little mermaid is not the same

I drank some water in flight

Two worlds

Weightless dog

Submarine bridge

Moses Bridge, The Netherlands.

Watch the video: COLD HARD SCIENCE. The Controversial Physics of Curling - Smarter Every Day 111 (May 2024).

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