The one and only Velella velella is one of the most extraordinary creatures on the planet!

Velella velella is perhaps the strangest and most unusual jellyfish you've ever seen. It is unique in its kind, it is the only representative of hydroids.

Her lifestyle is quite interesting, and her appearance and beauty are staggering. One of the most extraordinary organisms created by nature.

However, Velella velella is not one independent organism, but a whole colony. A special chamber consisting of chitin is formed inside the colony. It is covered with a mantle and filled with air. Its main purpose is to keep creation on the surface of the water.

There is a semicircular blade on top of the camera, and at the base there is a kind of sail resembling the letter ā€œSā€. It is because of him that Vedella is sometimes called the "Portuguese boat." Thanks to the sail, the colony can move downwind directly on the surface of the water.

The creature is quite small, only about 10 centimeters.

Vedella has about eight or more tentacles covered with sting cells - she catches small fish with them.

In the center of the "boat" is a large polyp, responsible for the extraction of food and the process of digestion. It is surrounded by smaller polyps, which are responsible for nutrition and reproduction, and there are those that are designed to protect.

This stunning creature with a sail lives in the tropical and subtropical latitudes of the oceans, as well as in the west of the Mediterranean Sea.

Watch the video: 9 UNUSUAL Things Under the Sea (October 2024).

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