17 brilliant old pictures of Mark Riboud about the life of people from around the world

The amazing and talented Frenchman Mark Riebe will soon be 93 years old. He is known to the whole world as a genius of documentary, and he called Henri Cartier-Bresson himself his ideological inspiration. Since 1937, the photographer has been filming the lives of people traveling around the world. By the way, he was one of the first photojournalists to shoot in China and Vietnam after the cultural revolutions that shook these countries. Especially a lot of Ribu photographed in Eastern Europe and Asia. Today, his photographs are deservedly considered classics of this complex, lively and dramatic genre. The following 17 photos will show you how people from different walks of life lived in the most different and different countries of the world in the middle of the last century.

Documentary photos of Mark Riboud.

Turkey, 1955 Construction of a hydroelectric dam in the province of Adana.

Painter at the Eiffel Tower, 1953.

Istanbul, 1955 year. The boy dreams of distant voyages and watches the ships.

Iran, 1955 year. Near the Turkish border.

Istanbul, 1953 year. Galata bridge.

Yugoslavia, 1953

The campaign on the Pentagon, a protest against the Vietnam War. Washington, October 21, 1967.

Beijing, 1965 year. After the cultural revolution, people donate jewelry to the state for free.

Yugoslavia, 1953 year. Grandmother clearly does not approve of the granddaughter’s frivolous costume.

Fez, Morocco, 1979.

Cambodia, 1969

India, 1956 Bathing elephants in the Ganges.

India, 1956 After bathing in the Ganges, the Indians dry their clothes in the sun.

Lunar landscape in Kwazulu, South Africa, 1998.

Split, Yugoslavia, 1953.

India, 1956 Misty Darjeeling.

Watch the video: Interview with Gil Stein (September 2024).

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