13 strange and scary wild animals that are best seen only in the picture

We used to admire wildlife and sing the praises of its rich imagination, diversity and originality. But all these concepts have a flip side, and it is not as pretty and delightful as the one we usually see. Below we have gathered some evidence that nature will never cease to amaze us, but it will not always do it in a pleasant way and in a good sense of the word. Here are a few bizarre and rather scary creatures, having seen them with your own eyes, you will either rush to run without looking back, or become frozen in place with a dumb question: "What is this ?!"

This creature, by the way, is called a lamprey.

In our world, even this exists: a snake-necked tortoise

The herring king. This is exactly what a king!

Blue skar

Light version of the crocodile - Ganges gavial

Well, don’t be afraid of snails!

Coconut Crab Somehow it’s not even getting on its own ...

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It’s better not to watch it at night!

It happens!

Our life will not be the same ...

Watch the video: 13 Strange Animals for Kids. Weird Animals for Kids. Scary and Spooky Animals (September 2024).

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