18 Japanese inventions that you urgently want to purchase

Who are the most daring and extraordinary inventors in the world? Of course, the Japanese! This nation of divine order, accuracy and inhuman industriousness always strives with inspiration and courage to make ordinary life more comfortable and easy. And can anyone compare with them in this difficult matter of inventing ingenious, innovative things? It seems to us that the answer is obvious. And so that you do not doubt it, take a look at these cool developments, each of which I urgently want to get.

Train seats that can be turned

Ponytail Helmet

Place where you can put your child in the toilet cubicle

Cafe for single

Diagonal zebras

Tablet holder

Dog Sunglasses

Silent karaoke microphone

Separate toilet slippers

Pillow for working at a computer while lying

Surname of the owner instead of house number

Water-saving sink located above the drain tank

Automated Stores

The hotel where the robot dinosaur will register you

A napkin with which no one will see your face when eating burgers

Transformer Tatami

"Parking" for umbrellas

Jars that are easy to open without breaking your nails

Watch the video: Disturbing simulation shows power, terror of killer robots (July 2024).

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