Speed ​​or power: does one skill interfere with another

All animals develop their physical qualities according to two scenarios: they learn to either run away from the enemy well or fight back. From this came the assumption that one skill could interfere with another. That is, if you are strong and dangerous, then you do not run very fast, but if speed is your only salvation, then you are the local Usain Bolt. Moreover, such differences can occur even within the same species.

Fighter or runner

For example, it is believed that a stronger and more collapsed body, and therefore greater density, restrict movement, while a lean neighbor with long legs is more likely to travel long distances, saving energy. This is where the conflict of interests sets in: the larger the male in size, the more success he enjoys, but to save the vital energy on which survival depends, a small body is more suitable. Here the animal needs to decide which club to sign up for - running or wrestling. How does this happen?

Scientists decided to test this mechanism on house mice. On the one hand, males of this species are fighting hard against each other for their territory, on the other, they can quickly maneuver and jump to the side, and they have to travel long distances to find food.

Fight club

The experiment was conducted on three populations of wild house mice (10 males and 16 females each). They were placed in a common aviary with an area of ​​30 square meters, which roughly corresponds to the area of ​​the natural habitat of such groups. Chips were attached to the animals and after eight weeks they checked which males had better control of the territory with at least two females. Mice were also placed on treadmills before and after the experiment to compare body weight with oxygen consumption rate.

It turned out that within three weeks 11 out of 30 males were able to control the territory. Their oxygen consumption was higher, while the weight was slightly different between subgroups and did not affect social status. The champions in holding the territory were also not inferior to other males in running speed, but lost in endurance.

Based on Naced Silence

Watch the video: DOES EXPLOSIVE POWER AFFECT THE SPEED? PES MOBILE 2018 (October 2024).

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