"Irma" made the ocean disappear from the shores of Florida and the Bahamas

A couple of weeks ago, Hurricane Irma shook the world, destroying the island states of the Caribbean. Then a powerful storm reached the shores of the United States and the Bahamas, causing a frightening and very rare phenomenon that left the locals in complete bewilderment. What the Americans and Bahamas saw could be a sign of very serious consequences.

The fact is that the powerful tropical winds that raged on the islands and in Florida changed the direction of movement to the center of the storm and pulled ocean waters from the coast. According to Angela Fritz, Washington Post weather editor, the low pressure characteristic of Irma is the reason for the "suction mechanism, in which air is drawn into the hurricane, and when it is really low, it can change the shape of the ocean’s surface." In addition to the fact that it looks very strange, this phenomenon also causes great concern among specialists. When the coastline moves so far that it exposes the bottom of the ocean, this often indicates that the water will come back quickly and with a destructive impulse.

To all the troubles brought by Irma, environmental problems that representatives of the local fauna have already experienced are added. After a sharp ebb on land, two manatees remained in the mud, which, fortunately, people could save by returning the animals to the ocean.

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