In the US, the company bought land on the border with Mexico and does not allow Trump to build a wall

The American company Cards Against Humanity is widely known for its insane marketing solutions. One of the latest scandalous events of this organization was a campaign called "Cards Against Humanity Saves America." Its essence lies in the fact that the organization bought out a piece of free land on the border of the United States and Mexico and now does not allow Donald Trump to continue his sensational project for the construction of the wall.

"Donald Trump is an absurd golem that is afraid of the Mexicans," the company said. "to make it as difficult as possible and expensive to build a wall."

In December, the company will arrange a unique promotion and send gifts to its customers who have taken part in it for $ 15. A map of the site at the border and a video clip will be delivered to everyone right at the door, in which it will be announced that Cards Against Humanity is giving a person a small piece of land from a common site. This means that if the US government wants to build a wall in this territory, it will have to sue each of its owners individually.

Watch the video: Watchdog investigating Trump's plan to seize private land for border wall (May 2024).

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