Faceless portraits of people wearing all their clothes at the same time

Soft Shells - as the Canadian artist Libby Oliver called her project. A woman took pictures of people wearing all their clothes at the same time. You may not believe it, but under these piles of colorful clothes there really are people!

You may wonder why asking a person to put on their entire wardrobe at the same time? The thing is that this project of the artist is dedicated to consumerism and waste from the fast fashion industry. In addition, in this way Oliver explores the relationship between identity and fashion. It seems very strange and surprising to her that every morning people all over the world wake up and carefully choose clothes to cover their bodies.

"I’m interested in our struggle for independence and control in the face of great restrictions set by the social framework- says the artist. - Studying our receptive personality, I also explore the concepts of consumer polarized culture and social class systems. I use humor and satire to make my work accessible to a wider audience, trying to create space for social exploration. ".

Watch the video: HOW TO: Easy Watercolor Portrait Tutorial. Faceless Portrait (September 2024).

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