Amazons of the Dahomey - the most formidable warriors who kept everyone in fear for two centuries

Amazons are not mythical characters at all, if you thought so, but the most real ones. So, in the Kingdom of Dahomey, which is now called the Republic of Benin, there were elite troops consisting of only women. Such a case is truly unique in world history, because it is the only documented female military unit.

At one time, the warriors terrified the European colonialists, it was the foreigners who called them the Dahomeian Amazons. The women themselves called themselves N'Nonmiton, which means "our mothers." They were all untouchables in the state, and their main role was to protect the king during the battles. In the 19th century, there were about 6,000 female soldiers in the troops of the Amazons.

The history of this amazing military unit began in the 17th century. One version of the scholars says that initially this corps was created for the purpose of hunting elephants, but the warrior girls were so impressed by the king that he ordered them to be made their bodyguards.

Only the most courageous, healthy, strong and hardy, starting from the age of eight, were selected into the corps of Amazons. Subsequently, they were taught to be fast, furious, ruthless and able to withstand severe pain, trained in musket shooting, machete skills, the ability to survive for weeks in the jungle without equipment, trained physically and mentally. In the literal sense of the word, women were turned into real fighting vehicles, and the decapitation of their victims was considered their special “trick”. As you can see, it is not at all strange that the Dahomean Amazons kept Africa in fear for more than two centuries.

N'Nonmiton warriors were not allowed to marry or have children while they were in the service of the king. In addition, it was officially considered that they were already married to their ruler.

In fact, for many women in Dahomey, the entry into the army of the Amazons was the only chance to avoid the boring routine that was usually led by local residents. They agreed to the severity of the upcoming training in order to get the opportunity to climb the social ladder, gain a command post and influence.

According to the author of the only full-fledged treatise on the Dagomean warriors Stanley Alpern, when the Amazons left the palace, there was a slave in front of them and rang the bell, thus giving the men in front that they needed to move away and look the other way.

During the wars between France and the State of Dahomey at the end of the 19th century, soldiers initially underestimated the female Dagomean warriors, but having paid with their many lives and seeing the bravery and ruthlessness of the Amazons, they changed their minds. Moreover, subsequently they began to declare that the most terrible women on earth live here. Even when the French conquered Dahomey, the fear of the Amazons did not disappear. Unfortunately, during the Second Franco-Dagomean War, most of the warriors were killed.

Watch the video: Greatest Female Warriors of All Time (October 2024).

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