The Smog project: engineers proposed building a network of giant towers in Delhi

Perhaps in the near future the image of the city will change beyond recognition, because an interesting project has been proposed to install in Delhi a large number of identical high-rise towers. These towers were proposed to be built by engineers from Dubai, but they are not intended to hit the world with their heights or futuristic style.

These towers are designed to fight smog, which is the main environmental problem in many cities around the world, whose population is in the millions. And the first lines of the rating in the sad list of megalopolises with the dirtiest air have been occupied by Indian Delhi for many years. More than 16 million people live in this city, and considering the nearby settlements, which together with Delhi make up the metropolitan area, the population of Delhi is an incredible 27 million people!

Of course, such a huge number of residents creates a lot of urban problems, the main of which is the low quality of air that the inhabitants of the Indian capital breathe. A smog regularly hangs over Delhi, and the amount of pollutants in the air is many times higher than the maximum permissible values. Despite the presence of industrial enterprises, including three coal-fired power plants, the main air pollutant in Delhi is numerous road transport, as well as auto-rickshaws popular in India, which also travel on gasoline.

Management is trying to solve the problem of air pollution, but in an ever-increasing number of vehicles, this is extremely difficult. Meanwhile, Dubai architects from Znera Studios have proposed an original project called The smogwhich can solve Delhi's main environmental issue.

According to the engineers, in the city it is necessary to establish a network of towers, 100 meters high, which would serve as filter-air purifiers. It is assumed that each tower will purify the air within a radius of 2 kilometers, and during the day the filters will let in about 3.2 million cubic meters of air. The towers will be interconnected by bridges on which solar panels and hydrogen power cells will be placed, due to which the tower will function. In the project, the network of towers resembles the structure of cells.

Despite the huge budget and a significant amount of work, the project was evaluated in the architectural community and recognized as very promising. In addition, the world already has positive experience in implementing such a large-scale environmental project: a similar tower-air purifier successfully operates in China, which we wrote about in one of our materials.

Watch the video: Clean air machine: Dutch inventors unveil giant vacuum that sucks smog out of the air - TomoNews (September 2024).

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