10 myths about sun protection

Sunscreen must be applied immediately before going outside

In fact, the cream needs time to eat in the skin, only then its action will be most effective. Experts recommend using the cream no earlier than half an hour before sun exposure, and if you have fair skin, apply it as carefully as possible.

It doesn’t matter how the cream is applied

It turns out that just applying the cream to the skin is not enough. We must try to make it lay evenly, because the less cream there is on the skin, the stronger the sun's rays will be refracted.

You will not tan if you use sunscreen

This is also a myth. Creams of this kind do not prevent tanning at all, they only make its formation less harmful.

One cream can be applied to the face and body

However, the skin on the body and on the face has different sensitivity to sun exposure, for this reason it is better to buy several products. When choosing a cream, pay attention to its composition and whether it can protect against UVA and UVB rays.

Also, during the purchase, you should not forget about the type of your skin. So, for oily skin, light emulsions and non-greasy textures with a matte effect are better suited. Dry skin, due to its subtlety, needs not only hydration and nutrition, it will require the maximum degree of protection that means with SPF50 + have. Creams with the most protection are also best used for sensitive skin around the eyes and lips. On areas of the body that are particularly susceptible to the sun, such as the neck and décolleté, the cream must be applied most carefully.

If you just close your eyes, the sun will not harm them

Not at all, without sunglasses this trick will not work. Thanks to them, during tanning you protect your eyes, delicate skin of the eyelids and sinuses. Therefore, you should not neglect glasses. Sunglasses, like creams, have varying degrees of protection. In less sunny time, ordinary cosmetic lenses are also suitable, but to relax by the water or in the mountains, special glasses are already required that can protect from a lot of sunlight. Glasses with universal lenses will be the best option, they have a high level of protection, so they will not miss most of the ultraviolet radiation.

Cream with maximum SPF protects more effectively

The main difference in the degree of protection of SPF 60 and SPF 15 in the duration of action. Of course, a product with a high level of sun protection lasts longer, but a cream with SPF 15 needs to be applied more often, which means that the skin constantly receives an additional portion of moisturizing.

Sunscreen is applied only to the face.

The statement is fundamentally wrong. If you want to avoid age spots on your skin with age, you should apply protective creams to the entire body.

When you are in the water, a protective cream is not needed

In fact, everything is exactly the opposite. In water, your skin needs to be protected even more, as the effect of sunlight on it becomes more intense. To do this, you will need a product with a waterproof effect. As a rule, it is marked "sport".

It is enough to apply a protective cream once a day

To protect your skin, you should periodically repeat the application of the cream. This is especially true when you are on the street all day.

Do not use protective creams in the room

And finally, an extremely life-affirming video about the benefits of sunscreens and more ...

Watch the video: 3 Ways Your Sun Protection Can Backfire (October 2024).

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