Amazing astronomical cards in vintage style.

Eleanor Lutz is a talented graduate student in the Department of Biology, leading the unusual and very entertaining Tabletop Whale blog. Its theme is a scientific illustration, it is an interesting collection of drawings, infographics and other types of data visualization from the field of science. One of the latest projects on the blog was the Atlas of Space - a unique set of astronomical maps, incredible artistic visualizations made in a vintage style.

To create these awesome maps, Lutz processed a huge amount of data available in the astronomical community, including information provided by NASA and the US Geological Survey. Under her strict guidance, a tremendous mass of scientific information incomprehensible to a simple layman turned into something special that she immediately wanted to hang on a wall in her house.

The Atlas of Space includes ten maps, including a map of the orbits of more than 18,000 asteroids, a topographic map of Mars, a map of the constellations in the western sky, and a map of the geology of the moon.

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