Photographer takes facial expressions of endangered animals around the world

For more than two decades, the photographer Mogens Troll has taken stunning wildlife shots on all seven continents. Educated as a zoologist and biologist specializing in mammals, he uses his academic knowledge along with the skills of a photographer to capture the personality of each creature. His pictures (especially portraits of monkeys) demonstrate amazing facial expressions, which we are used to seeing more likely in photographs of people.

The troll often makes close-ups or cropped shots of animal faces, so we can study and consider in detail the features of their facial expressions - how they wrinkle their foreheads, purs their lips, show their frustration, bewilderment or adoration. Despite the fact that the photographer’s career has been going on for more than 20 years, and his experience can only be envied, he is still amazed at how dissimilar animals are of even one species.

Incredible photographs More often take on special meaning when you find out that almost all the primates taken by him are on the verge of extinction.

Watch the video: A Rare Look at the Secret Life of Orangutans. Short Film Showcase (September 2024).

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