Not a single math: how Pythagoras participated in the defeat of sybarites

If you think that Pythagoras is a quiet scientist, mathematician and thinker who went down in history because "Pythagorean pants are equal on all sides," then you are deeply mistaken. The destruction of the city of Sybaris and its inhabitants of sybarites is associated with his name. Not so harmless was the philosopher.

Sibaris was one of the most luxurious cities in Great Greece. More than one hundred thousand people lived in it. It was located in the south of modern Italy in the Gulf of Taranto. Not so far from it, south on the sole of the “boot” was the city of Croton. Also a port town, but smaller. The characters of the residents of these two cities were different.

In the ancient world, sybarites were considered the richest. It was rumored that all their buttons were made of pure gold, and the children were dressed in silk and purple. In addition, they had such an army that it conquered all nearby cities and collected tribute from them. Is it possible to be sympathetic to such a city?

They loved to train animals very much. All Sybarite horses, even in the army, were trained to move rhythmically to musical accompaniment. Noisy crafts removed from the city limits. All jewelers, tinsmiths, blacksmiths lived and worked in the suburbs. Even roosters were not allowed to keep, so as not to disturb peace.

Chartres Cathedral. Pythagoras statue

In fact, everything was not so clear. It is known that sybarites opposed their oligarchs and sent them to live in another city. It turned out to be Croton. In Croton, there were completely different orders. People from the harsh Sparta lived there. The most famous resident was Pythagoras. He taught people, walked in a golden oriental gown and wore a long beard.

Pythagoras believed that numbers rule the world. Everything has a special mathematical meaning. World laws cannot be good or bad. And he believed that why should not a simple person manage the state, since he is not prepared for such responsibility. Aristocrats trained and educated since childhood should rule. No frills or entertainment. It distracts from the main thing. Pythagoras was very annoyed by the cheerful city of Sibaris.

Excavations of the city of Sibaris

Here the interests of different layers of the city of Croton converged. Some wanted to rob a neighboring successful town, oligarchs - to avenge exile, but the Pythagoreans punished for debauchery. The rulers of Croton approved the idea of ​​destroying Sybaris.

Pythagoras gathered young people and began to train them. From morning till night, army training. Even talking was forbidden. Everything was aimed at educating model warriors. The time has come and the troops marched on Sibaris. This event happened in 510. The army, brought up by Pythagoras, won, but something was still missing. When a decisive battle ensued, the sage ordered the orchestra to play a melody that the Sybarite horses especially loved. The orchestra began to play, the horses went to dance. The battle was won.

When the city was taken, the conquerors destroyed all the temples and palaces, and sent the inhabitants into slavery. So that there are no memories left of this city, Pythagoras ordered to change the channel of the Kratis river and flood the place where Sybaris used to be.

Modern Crotone (Italy)

Returning to Croton, Pythagoras continued to study science and philosophy. But with only one amendment - he began to consider himself the supreme ruler of Croton. His pupils grew up, felt like skillful conquerors and themselves turned into sybarites. The position of Pythagoras did not like everyone. After all, he decided to teach them and remind them that they did not destroy the sybarites in order to become the same themselves. But who needed such speeches? "Grateful" students put him on a ship and sent him to another Greek city, Metapont, where the great philosopher ended his days.

Watch the video: Milo of Croton. Wikipedia audio article (September 2024).

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