Photos of the Norwegian fjords made by this guy are more like fabulous pictures

Tomas Furmanek, an amateur kayaker and a professional travel photographer, began taking stunning pictures while sitting in a kayak about 3 years ago. His goal was to capture the beauty and natural balance of the fjords and lakes. He made his amazing photographs mainly in Norway. The photographer admits that he wanted to inspire people to go to these remote places and feel the joy of kayaking.

Most of the pictures were taken in the complete pacification of glassy water. Clear mirror reflections and symmetry demonstrate the balance and tranquility of these fascinating places.

“Basically, I sailed in a kayak, because it’s a good way to connect with nature and get peace of mind. In addition, kayaking allows me to visit places that are difficult to reach with other means of transportation,” says Furmanek. “I tried to capture a calming and balancing the effect of these places. I believe that connecting with nature is very important for our mental and spiritual development. Especially in the modern world of technology. "

Winter night in the Nerufjord

Hörund fjord

Midnight Sun on the Rhine Fjord

Nerf fjord

Lofoten Islands


Midnight Sun Against Kierk Fjord

Nerf fjord

Nerf fjord

Kierk fjord at night


Aurland Fjord


Oldewatnet in Alden


Reine fjord

Bunez Beach

Nerf fjord

Kierk fjord


Nerf fjord

Luce fjord


Watch the video: NORWAY? YES WAY! (September 2024).

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