Ar-Men Lighthouse: it was built for 15 years, and the rangers called their place of work hell

Among the caretakers who once worked at this lighthouse, Ar-Men was referred to only as "hell hell." It was built over 15 years in inhuman conditions: on a tiny rock, under gusts of a gale and blows of sea waves. Built more than 130 years ago to save human lives in the troubled waters of France, it still functions by signaling and preventing shipwrecks.

The Ar-Men lighthouse was decided to build, like most lighthouses, after a major shipwreck. In September 1859, the frigate "Sana'a" crashed on the cliffs of the reef de Seyne, off the western coast of France. At that time, two lighthouses were already built in this treacherous place. But in stormy conditions or poor visibility, their light was insufficient, so sailors were regularly at risk. After the collapse of the frigate “Sana'a”, a special commission that made decisions on the construction of lighthouses issued a positive verdict.

But problems with the future lighthouse arose even at the stage of choosing a land area for construction. The only suitable place was a small cliff Armen, towering above calm water at low tide by only 4 meters. During a preliminary survey of the water area, several expeditions visited this piece of land and each time it was reported that there were no suitable conditions for the construction of a lighthouse. But there was no alternative: the lighthouse was vital. Therefore, in difficult conditions in 1867, preparatory work began.

Groups of workers worked in small shifts, with insurance and special shoes, which allowed them to better stay on wet rocks. In this area, there is almost never a calm sea: the constant wind and waves made the work of builders simply unbearable. For two years, preparatory work was carried out on the rock, drilled pits and installed fittings. Then began the construction of the site for the lighthouse. Workers laid granite blocks and poured concrete foundation.

Construction lasted a total of 15 years, and engineers until the last doubted the success of this venture. The fact is that the rock was too small in area, and the base of the lighthouse was only slightly narrower than the diameter of the rocky ledge. But, thanks to the incredible tenacity and titanic efforts of the builders, the lighthouse was built and in 1881 gave the first signal.

The height of the lighthouse Ar-Men was 37 meters. Among the employees who worked as lighthouse keepers, Ar-Men immediately gained notoriety. Due to the constant storms during which waves covered the lighthouse with its head, and difficulties with delivery, the lighthouse received the nickname "hell hell".

Since 1990, the rangers have not been serving at the Ar-Men lighthouse. The building was electrified, and every 20 seconds the lighthouse beeps automatically. Its walls were darkened due to constant contact with salty sea water, but it is still in service. This magnificent building, the construction of which seemed incredible, still protects ships passing near the French coast.

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