Blazing "heart" of Paris: Notre Dame Cathedral survived the fire

Notre Dame Cathedral has long been one of the most iconic places not only in the capital of France, but throughout the country. The temple was laid on the island of Cité in 1163, whence Paris once began to be built up. This magnificent temple was built about two centuries and was rebuilt several times. And on Monday evening, one of the most iconic buildings caught fire.

In Notre Dame, restoration work was carried out, forests were installed near its walls. Just a few days ago, bronze statues were removed from the temple and sent for restoration, so that, by a lucky chance, they remained unharmed. Ignition occurred during restoration work. The fire blazed for five hours, as a result of the fire destroyed a lot: the spire of the 19th century, the clock on the tower and most of the structure, part of the roof of the cathedral collapsed. Hundreds of people took to the streets, mourning the death of Notre Dame on fire.

According to experts, it is incredibly difficult to extinguish a fire in such ancient monuments of architecture. Water can harm a building even more than fire. In this case, it is better to let the tree burn out than to fill the stone with water. After all, the liquid, penetrating the joints between the stones, increases the total weight, and this can lead to instant collapse of the secular facade. It is for this reason that they refused to use helicopters to eliminate the fire.

Perhaps Notre Dame was partially saved only due to the fact that when they put out the fire, they "gave" the inside of the cathedral.

In France, a fundraising campaign began to restore the "heart" of the capital.

The tragedy was visible from many parts of the French capital

A fire is burning on the roof

The spire is crumbling in the fire

Hundreds of people took to the streets

Impossible to hold back emotions

Smoke over Paris

Inside Notre Dame is still smoldering

Devastation after the tragedy

Watch the video: ANOTHER DOUBLE BLAZING FEST? OKAY LET'S SUMMON . Naruto Ultimate Ninja Blazing (September 2024).

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